The importance of knowledge of the human body in physical education and sport learning

One of the most important courses or subjects that are taught in schools and universities is physical education. Basically this course focuses on developing physical fitness and the ability to perform and enjoy day to day activities. It is one subject that is in-line with the phrase ‘a healthy body is a health mind.’ In this paper one will be, discussing the importance of knowledge of the human body in physical education and sport learning.

Davis (2021) states that anatomy and physiology of the human body provide vital information about the body structure. This comes in handy in the selection of games. Some games requires that one have properly developed muscles or use specific part of the human body muscles  more often than others. So knowing the structure of the human body may help one to correctly select players for a specific game or make necessary preparation for that game such as training thus prevent sports injuries. 

In addition, Davis (2021) states that if one understand how the body operates, then one will know if everything is working the ways it supposed to. This will then help one to develop a lifelong plan for good health. For example if one understands how respiration works in the human body one will train learners or athlete how to breath during race, in that way prevents cases whereby an athlete suffers from complications that are as a result of insufficient supply of oxygen.

According to Meher (2019), the human body is the heart of physical education. When one speaks of physical education one is basically talking about the human body is going to include the human body in the conversation. This implies that understanding the human body means understanding physical education. It is from the human body that one performs in various sports and physical activities, exercises so on and so on.

Meher (2019) states that without understanding anatomy and physiology, one cannot even think of physical education and sports. Meher states that it is important for sport trainers to have rich knowledge of the human body (anatomy and physiology) because it is only with this knowledge that the trainer can improve the performance of players by knowing the effects of exercises on the various bodily parts of player(s).

In addition to improve performance of player(s), the knowledge of the human body helps sport and physical educator to evaluate the performance of player(s). A trainer with insufficient of lacking in knowledge of the human body will not be able to get the best results out of players according to Meher (2019).

The knowledge of the human body helps to understand nature and shape, size and vital abilities of human body according to Rauh (2020). Studying anatomy and physiology helps a sport person to understand the structure and function of different parts of human body and acquire a fit and healthy body. So a person with the knowledge of the human body will have a clear mind on what to do to keep body healthy and the correct exercise to do including the correct diet to eat since one know which part of the body is needed for that sport or game and how to make it better.

The study of the human body helps in knowing individual differences (Shia College, 2020). Needless to say, studying the human body include taking a look at its anatomy and physiology. This has helped to recognize the differences between the male and the female gender. For example there is a hormone that makes man stronger than women and perform better that is why they are not put together in race competition. Of course this is continually changing but the point is, the knowledge of anatomy and physiology helps in understanding these individual differences. Sports trainers or those who organize competition are able to design court size or games in terms of the gender that will be taking that sport or game according to Singh (2017).

The study of the human body provide knowledge about human body structure and function to know effects of exercises (Shia College, 2020). This helps a sport person to know ones strength and weakness of one’s body and in that way one can develop forte in the field of game which is suitable for the sport person as per one’s body structure Singh (2017). Some people body are better suited for some sports but not all sports. For example everyone can kick a ball but not everyone can play soccer. That is, some people shine in other sports and not shine in other. I good example of sports or game that is better performed by tall people is volley ball which many not be suitable for a short person.

Sports injuries are a norm in many games and sports. While are avoiding completely may be impossible but it helps to better prepare to treat them when there arrive or occur. To better do that one needs to have knowledge of the human body. Thus the knowledge of the human body helps in the process of rehabilitation (Shia College, 2020).

 Knowledge of ligaments, tendons and muscles helps in rehabilitation from the injuries sustained during the game or sport states Singh (2017).

As it was stated earlier on not everyone can play soccer. The knowledge of the human body helps in selection of games according to Singh (2017). On the basis of knowledge of body structure, the couch and player can choose an appropriate sport or game which is suitable for a particular sport. Like all students can be selected for basketball and volleyball. And short and stout students can be selected for weight lifting.
Knowledge of the human body helps to provide knowledge of nutrition required for individuals vital needs (Shia College, 2020). 

Study of anatomy and physiology provides detailed knowledge about all body parts, their nature and functions. This helps the player to adopt good, safe and healthy use of body according to Singh (2017). Knowledge of the human body helps in the study of the human movement skills and techniques on the basis of anatomical structures (Shia College, 2020).

According to Sports Therapy UK (2021) knowledge and understanding of the human body and how it functions is the starting point of sports massage theory. The more one understand about how the body functions, what may interrupt this functioning and what influence increased activity has on the systems that combine to make it function, the more the sport message practitioner can use their skills and knowledge to advise their clients.
Through the complete knowledge of anatomy and physiology, the sports person will prevent themselves from various injuries during sports training and competition (2classnotes, 2021).

In addition the knowledge of the human body one can be able to provide first aid. Due to sports injuries, a first aider should have knowledge of the human anatomy and physiology only then first aid can be provided to the wounded persons.

Furthermore, the knowledge of the human body helps in mastering techniques and skills. While teaching different techniques and skills the structure and function of various systems are studies in detail (2classnotes, 2021).

Also it is helpful in in the preparation of training programs. Good training programs can only be prepared if coaches have basic knowledge of physiological capacities or limits of every sports persons.

Moreover, knowledge of the human body can help in the evaluation of capacity of athlete. This can be achieved with the knowledge of anatomy and physiology, to judge the vital capacity of respiratory system (2classnotes, 2021).
So the knowledge of the human body does not only help in understanding of concepts taught in physical education class but also help learners to sink in the information taught and also be able to apply it in real world situation in a smart and efficient way. 

The aim of physical education is all round development of the personality of the individual according to Sharma (2016). The above definition serves to inform that physical education is not all about sports training but it is about the complete understanding of the human body.

In conclusion, knowledge of the human body helps: teachers, trainers, aiders, team doctors and coaches. It was stated that a trainer who is well verse on anatomy and physiology will avoid sports injuries because one will know what may cause sports injuries and thus avoid it through the understanding of the human body.
It was also pointed out that the knowledge of anatomy and physiology will help aiders to in treating sports injuries as they are normally referred as team doctors they needs to have a complete knowledge of the human body so that when a trainers of player get injuries during a game or training one will be able to understand what went wrong to that player and then come up with possible treatments.

On another notes sports coaches will be able to design the best training exercises that will help one master the skills needed for in that sport. It like coaches with complete knowledge of the human body are able to work smart and make training much more interesting because they are able to device creative ways of making training interesting at the same time achieve the objectives of the training compare to trainers who stick to one method of training because one blindly follow a training method that one hopes works.
Learners who are taking a physical education course or sports learning will have to have a full understanding of the human body, it does not matter whether one ends up an aider, teacher or coach because at the end all people who are in one or both of the training will have to be well verse with the human body to be well equipped for future training and production or work force.


Davis B (2021), what is the importance of anatomy and physical education? MVOrganizing


Meher P (2019), Aspects that Make Anatomy and Physiology Important in Physical Education and Sports. 


Rauh E (2020), why anatomy is important in physical education? AkingLot


Singh R (2017), Elucidate the importance of anatomy and physiology in the field of sports. Sarthaks.


Shia College (2020), Introduction of Anatomy and Physiology in Physical Education.


2classnotes (2021), Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology & Kinesiology in Sports: 11 Class.


Sharma (2016), Changing trends and career in physical education, Physical Education, Delhi Bureau of Text Books.

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