According to your own informed view, was King Sobhuza acting in the best interest of the nation when he repealed the independence constitution?

Historically speaking Swazi’s before colonization were used to the traditional way of life. In that life people were either ruled by a chief or a king. This way of life was a life which all Africans were used to before colonization. 

It is a life that many Africans were clinging to even in times of the famous umfecane when Shaka Zulu according to the legend was terrorizing the African continent more especially the southern part.

 Even when Swazi’s were colonized by Britain they continue living that life style of being ruled by kings and chiefs even though the status of the king was reduce to a paramount chief. 

Of course with British coming with the concept of a king Swazi’s were able to relate. So the posed question is: was king Sobhuza acting in the best interest of the nation when he repealed the independence constitution? To better answer this question one needs to first understand what the independence constitution entailed and why Swazi’s fought for independence in the first place. And also what type of life style Swazis were used to before the British came to Swaziland or white people came to Swaziland. 

Before white people came to Swaziland Swazi’s were under the leadership of the Dlamini clan under its King. Under that leadership there was a clear structure such as there was a king, queen, chiefs and king’s people. Everyone was satisfied with that structure and there was peace in those days. To most Swazi’s it was heaven itself, of course if one compare it with British rule.

 So, when white people arrive Swazi’s lost their land through concessions. To make matters worse after they lost their land they were force to pay heavy tax for many things they did not pay for before. It was that point in time Swazi’s began the call for independence. They began purchasing back their land.

It is said that unorganized workers’ resistance occurred as early as 1907. The colonial expropriation of agricultural land and the introduction of the “hut tax” in 1915 forced many Swazis to become wage laborers on colonial farms and in mines in South Africa. Many industrial actions took place in the 1930s, but it was not until the early 1960s that organized worker activities first took place. The first Swazi trade union was registered in 1962.

Indeed, as Swazi's struggled in the 1960s to gain their independence, the labor movement played a critical role, working in close cooperation with the Swaziland political party, the Ngwane National Liberatory Congress (NNLC), to organize massive strikes and pressure the colonial regime. When King Sobhuza II began to take a lead in the independence movement, most Swazis united behind him and his political creation, the royalist political party, the Imbokodvo National Movement, which came to dominate the independence movement. As history tells Swazi’s got independence in 1968. 

The 1968 Independence Constitution recognized the right of Swazis to freely engage in politicalactivity and protected the existence and operation of political parties. As it was highlighted earlier on Swazi’s were leaving a peaceful life under kings before the Europeans arrive. So what does it meant for Swazi’s to have political parties? 

By virtue of democracy people can form a join any party of their choosing. This meant that having political party as the independence constitution provided, it meant that Swazi’s were going to be divided and fight one another for rule. This is not the thing Swazi’s were fighting for before independence but it was the return of their land and old way of life.Having all this in mind. Was king Sobhuza acting in the best interest of the nation when he repealed the independence constitution? Yes he was.

 Firstly, the presence of political parties meant that having peace was not going to be possible. In our time a good example is South Africa where burning of buildings and fighting in parliament is the order of the day. So independence constitution failed to provide the machinery for good government and for the maintenance of peace and order.

 Secondly, itwas the cause of growing unrest, insecurity, and dissatisfaction with the state of affairs in Swaziland, and an impediment to free and progressive development in all spheres of life.

Lastly, it permitted the introduction into Swaziland of highly undesirable political practices alien to, and incompatible with, the Swazi way of life. These practices were seen by the king as designed to disrupt and destroy Swazis’ peaceful, constructive and essentially democratic methods of political activity, thereby engendering hostility, bitterness, and unrest.

In conclusion, at that point in time the concept of political parties were foreign to the Swazi’s, let alone it was a new thing which Swazi’s were not fully informed about. So Sobhuza like a father who protected his children from danger he did what was necessary at that point in time. Of course, now it may seem like a bad call, but times are different and requires different strategies to cope and survive. 

Cite this Article:

Dlamini M. B(2021),According to your own informed view, was King Sobhuza acting in the best interest of the nation when he repealed the independence constitution?, African Free Knowledge Institute.


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