1.      Sawubona. ‘Hello.’(greet one person)

2.      Sanibonani. ‘Hello.’ (greet more than one person)

3.      Siyanivusela. ‘We greet you.’

4.      Unjani? ‘How are you?’

5.      Ngiyaphila. ‘I am fine.’

6.      Ulele njani? ‘How did you sleep?’

7.      Ngilele kahle. ‘I slept well.’

8.      Uvuke njani? ‘How did you wake?’

9.      Ngivuke kahle ‘I wake up well.’

10.  Lala kahle. ‘Sleep well.’

11.  Hamba kahle. ‘Go well.’

12.  Sala kahle. ‘Stay well.’

13.  Ngitawubuye ngikubone. ‘I will see you later.’

14.  Ubobavusela. ‘Greet them.’

15.  Ngicela kubuta. ‘Please, may I ask.’

16.  Ungubani libito lakho? ‘What is your name?’

17.  Libito lami ngingu … ‘My name is …’

18.  Wakabani sibongo? ‘What is your surname?’

19.  Uhlalaphi? ‘Where do you stay?’

20.  Uchamukaphi? ‘Where do you come from?’

21.  Uwakuphi? ‘Where are you from?’

22.  Unangakhi umunyaka? ‘Wow old are you?’

23.  Ngubani babe wakho? ‘Who is your father?’

24.  Ngubani bhuti wakho? ‘Who is your brother?’

25.  Ngubani sisi wakho? ‘Who is your sister?’

26.  Unaye umfati? ‘Do you have a wife?’

27.  Ushadile? ‘Are you married?’

28.  Unaso singani? ‘Do you have a girlfriend (boyfriend)?’

29.  Ngicela kudla. ‘May I have food.’

30.  Ncesi. ‘Sorry.’

31.  Ncesi. ‘Excuse me!’

32.  Ngihumushele. ‘Translate it for me.’

33.  Ngibhalele. ‘Write for me.’

34.  Ngifundzise. ‘Teach me.’

35.  Uyayakwati kukhuluma silumbi (singisi)? ‘Do you know how to speak English?’

36.  Ngicela ungifundzise Siswati. ‘Please teach me Siswati.’

37.  Yini … ngeSiswati? ‘What is … in Siswati?’

38.  Ngidzinga (ngicela) lusito lwakho. ‘I need your help.’

39.  Ngifuna lusito lwakho. ‘I want your help.’

40.  Ngicela ungisite. ‘Please help me.’

41.  Ngiyabonga. ‘Thank you.’

42.  Shayela emaphoyisa. ‘Call the police.’

43.  Shayela i-ambulensi. ‘Call an ambulance.’

44.  Uhlekani? ‘Why are you laughing?’

45.  Uyakwetfuka. ‘He (she) is insulting you.’

46.  Inhlamba leyo. ‘That is an insult.’

47.  Tjengisa inhlonipho? ‘Show respect.’

48.  Ngicela ungipheketele. ‘Please accompany me.’

49.  Ngilandzele. ‘Follow me.’

50.  Mani! ‘Wait!’

51.  Mani ‘Stop!’

52.  Hamba. ‘Go.’

53.  Baleka. ‘Run’

54.  Phutfuma. ‘hurry’

55.  Shesha. ‘Hurry.’

56.  Wela. ‘cross’

57.  Akuphi emahhovisi ahulumende? ‘Where are government offices?’

58.  Uphi umphatsi wakho? ‘Where is your boss?’

59.  Ngubani lophetse lapha? ‘Who is in charge here?’

60.  Kuyabandza. ‘It is cold.’

61.  Kuyashisa. ‘It is hot.’

62.  Liyana. ‘It is raining.’

63.  Ulele. ‘She (he) is sleeping.’

64.  Ngomile. ‘I am thirst.’

65.  Ngidziniwe. ‘I am tired.’

66.  Sikuphi sitolo. ‘Where is a shop?’

67.  Likuphi libhange? ‘Where is a bank?’

68.  Uphi umthoyi? ‘Where is the toilet?’

69.  Ngicela emanti. ‘Please may I have water.’

70.  Ekuseni. ‘In the morning.’

71.  Emini. ‘In the afternoon’

72.  Entsambama. ‘Midnight.’

73.  Ehlobo. ‘Summer.’

74.  Ebusika. ‘Winter.’

75.  Kusehlobo. ‘It is summer.’

76.  Kusebusika. ‘It is winter.’

77.  Buyeta busika. ‘Winter is coming.’

78.  Caphela tinja. ‘Beware of dogs.’

79.  Caphela tingwenya. ‘Beware of crocodiles.’

80.  Natsa. ‘Drink.’

81.  Ngicela inombolo yakho yelucingo. ‘May I have your cellphone number’

82.  Ngitakushayela. ‘I will call you.’

83.  Ngimele. ‘Wait for me.’

84.  Sukuma. ‘Stand up.’

85.  Hlala pansi. ‘Sit down.’

86.  Thandaza.  ‘Play.’

87.  Ngicela kukhuluma nawe. ‘May I talk to you.’

88.  Lalela. ‘Listen.’

89.  Ngiphe imali. ‘Give me some money.’

90.  Ngiboleke imali. ‘Borrow some money.’

91.  Ngubani sikhatsi. What time is it?’

92.  Sodlile? ‘Have you eaten?’

93.  Angati. ‘I don’t know.’

94.  Uwakuliphi live? ‘Which country are you from?’

95.  Uyafundza yini? ‘Are you a student?’

96.  Kulungile. ‘Okay.’

97.  Yebo. ‘Yes’

98.  Cha. ‘No.’

99.  Ngiyavuma. ‘I agree.’

100. Angivumi. ‘I don’t agree.’




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