
Showing posts from October, 2021


          THE SINS OF OUR FATHER         Mfanukhona Bizzah Dlamini             Copyright©2020 Mbabane,                                  Eswatini                      Dedication      This book is dedicated to Sabelo   Sikhondze . "Unless you pu t down your thoughts into a paper, they will remain just thoughts without any impact." Mfanukhona Dlamini          Table of Contents  Preface  Chapter I  Was Judas denied his choice?   Chapter II  Are we really in control?  Chapter III 12 Dominion and Dreams 12 Chapter IV 15 The sins of our father 15                              Preface The sins of our father is a very dynamic book in the sense that in its nature is a philosophical book b ut it also uses scientific tools used in science field s . It is a book that is open to everyone in terms of race, culture and religion. The author as a result of his religion and culture draws his philosophical perspectives in such background s . That’s why sometimes you will


Sibaya • Sibaya yindzawo lapho kugcinwa khona timfuyo . • Tibonelo : Tinkhomo , Timbuti . Bumcoka besibaya • kugcinwa khona imfuyo . • kulapho kukhulunywa khona nemadloti . • kutekelwa khona umfati . • Kumbiwa khona tingungu tekufaka umbila lowomile . • Sisetjentiswa umakunebayeni noma umtsimba . Inshungushu • Ngunasi sikhala lesingenhla kwesibaya lesakhiwa sicondzane nendlunkhulu . • Kukhona tintsi teliguma letima ticondzane naso lesikhala ngenhla kwesibaya . • Lomnyango   usetjentiswa nangabe umnumzane aphahla . • Bafana nabayosenga bangena khona kulesikhala baphindze baphume khona . Liguma • Yindzawo leyakhiwe ngemhlanga nome lucunga lehlala labasikati kuphela . • Bafana abakavumeleki kuta kulendzawo. Bumcoka beliguma • Yindzawo lemcoka yemantfombatane ngobe kulapho labahlala khona naboMake nabo gogo bafundze khona labafune bakwati basakhula . • Tibonelo : kutiphatsa kahle , kuba


Umuti wesiSwati - Kuhlelwa Kwetindlu • Tindlu ekhaya lesiswati atimane takhiwe nje nome ngabe ngukuphi . • Ngulelo naleyo indlu inendzawo yayo . Natike Letindlu • Intsanga • Lidladla lakagogo • Lidladla lekuphekela • Lilawu lebafana • Lilawu lababe • Indlunkhulu ( indlu yakagogo ) • Indlu yamake yekulala   Intsanga • Lena indlu yemantfombatane. • Nawungena ekhaya lesiswati indlu yekuca la ngesekudla kuba yindlu yemantfombatane. • Yona ke ayifakwa ekhatsi kuletinye tindlu kepha iba yodvwa ineliguma layo . • Imphundvu yayo ibheke eceleni . ▪ sizatfu sekubekwa yodvwana kutsi emantfombatane nasakhulile avumelekile kutsi agane . ▪ tingani tivumelekile kutsi tite titowujuma noko atikavumeleki kubonakala tiphuma tingena . ▪ bafana balapha ekhaya bavumelekile kutsi umabatibona batishaye . ▪ kunemehluko emkhatsini wekujuma nekulalana . ▪ kujuma ngulotsi intfombi ivakashele ekhabo


  What is a Programmer? For you to understand what a programmer is , you have to know a little bit how computers work.  What is a computer? A computer can be defined as an electronic device that has the ability to perform data manipulation such as storing and sending information and also follow a sets of instruction given. This definition is incomplete but it does gives you a clue what a computer is. Examples of electronic devices that are computers are: cell phone, laptop, desktop, washing machine etc. Having grasp what a computer is now, we can talk about a programmer.  As it was stated that a computer can be given a sets of instruction to perform, such as when you type a password the computer must open and also when you press a button the computer must close. Casual users may think that this just happens because computers are smarter than human. Though this is open for discussion, it should be noted that that claim is not true. Computers only do things what they are told to d


This article provide a brief overview of the S wazi people culture and customs. To be more specific in this paper one will be taking a look at how Swazi’s obtain land for building their homesteads or business in rural areas of Swazi Nation Land . KUKHONTA Yin i kukhonta ? ▪ Kukhonta kusuka endzaweni yesikhulu sakho uye endzaweni letsite leyenganyelwe ngulesinye sikhulu uyocela indzawo yekwakha likhaya .  ▪ Loyo lokhontile ubese utsatfwa njengencenye yebantfu bakuleyo ndzawo . ▪ Ulawulwa ngimitset fo yakhona atsele ngaphansi kwayo . Kukhonta kwehlukene kabili ▪ Kukhonta kweliSwati ▪ Kuthonta kwemunt fu walesinye sive eSwatini. Kukhonta kwelisSwati ▪ Indvodza yeliswati ingasuka enkhangala iye ehlandzeni iyokwakha khona ngoba ifuyile .  ▪ Sikhonti sibikela uyise nemphakatsi lababese bamcelela lincusa latawuhamba nalo .  ▪ Uma ukhonta kufuna ube yindvodza lenemfati netinkhomo lokungenani tibe timbili . Kukh

The importance of knowledge of the human body in physical education and sport learning

One of the most important course s or subjects that are taught in schools and universities is physical education. Basically this course focuses on developing physical fitness and the ability to perform and enjoy day to day activitie s. It is one subject that is in- line with the phrase ‘a healthy body is a health mind.’ In this paper one will be, discussing the importance of knowledge of the human body in physical education and sport learning. Davis (2021) state s that anatomy and physiology of the human body provide vital information about the body structure. This comes in handy in the selection of games. Some games requires that one have properly developed muscles or use specific part of the human body muscles  more often than others. So know ing the structure of the human body may help one to correctly select players for a sp ecific game or make necessary preparation for that game such as training thus prevent sports injuries.  In addition, Davis ( 2021) states that i